Tuesday, October 26, 2010


I'm so excited, I can't type fast enough!!!!!
After the girls left for school I was cleaning up the kitchen when I heard a really loud bang on one of our big windows, it sounded like someone punched the glass with their fist. I looked out the window and could not see anything. So I walked closer and just stood there trying to figure out what happened. I noticed a small bird (the size of my fist) on the ground breathing really hard with messed up feathers. I knew it was hurt and should be put out of it's misery, but I couldn't do it. It soon stopped breathing so hard and was sure it was dead. I called Eric to tell him what happened and he said to just leave it for him but to fill the bird feeder to keep the birds away from the house. When I was walking past the dead bird.... it lifted it's head and turned it all the way around to look at me...


Oh my gosh!!!!!!!
I was so excited I could hardly breath.
I called Eric back and told him it was alive and an OWL!

Convinced I was going to rescue this hurt OWL, I quickly got a box ready in the garage with bird seed and a towel and got gloves to pick up the baby. As I was walking toward it... it stood up and flew up to a big tree!!! It had the wind knocked out of it for a while, but now it was fine and flew like there was never an accident!!!!!!

I tried to take a photo of it in the tree but on my phone you can't zoom quickly, so this is what I got before it flew far, far away. I'm sooo glad that it's ok.

I cant BELIEVE I got to see a baby OWL!!!!!!!!!!

I am pretty sure this means that our guard owl Oscar is a female and needs a new name. I'm sure she is a mama that has been guarding her babies.

******UPDATE**** I figured out it was a Northern pygmy owl. You can read about them HERE.

After reading about them It sounds like it was not a baby but an adult male. Since Oscar is like 10 times the size of this little owl (clearly not a pygmy), there is no way "he" was the hurt owl's mother.

So stinkin cool!


mm.gma.ar :) said...

Cute, Chanel!! If you like owls, you would love the owl story of the Cardston, AB temple. A few years ago they had such a problem with pigeons that they could not solve -- so the groundskeeper took the problem to the Lord and asked for his help. Not long after, a family of Owls moved into the tall window wells of the temple -- the pigeons left, and the owls stay, raise their young each year, and continue to live in the window sills of the temple. If you're lucky, (as we were this last summer) you'll catch them there and can watch them. Quite fun! :) LaRae

Chanel Palmer said...

I have to say I have never really thought twice about owls... until seeing them in person. Now I am a huge fan. Thank you for sharing that story. I will have to put the Cardston temple on my to do list!

Tasha said...

That is pretty cool! We just get deer in our front yard!

Melissa said...

That is such a cool story Chanel! I love owls & am soooo glad that you got to take a picture. Hoot Hoot!

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