Sunday, April 29, 2012

Keaton is 7 months old!

Keaton has just started sitting up by himself! He tells me stories (mumbles) the entire time he is nursing. He recognized his family members and gets really excited when his sister's get home from school. He is still waking up two times a night and takes 2-3 naps during the day. He is loves baby food and eats everything including peas! What baby eats peas? He is always happy and smiling. The second he starts to fuss I know he either needs his diaper changed or to go to sleep. We love our Keeter boy!

1 comment:

Sylvia H said...

Hi girl. We got your card but you are still mailing things to my mother in laws house. Our new address is
303 Plantation Hill Road
Gulf Breeze, FL 32561
Love ya, Sylvia and Mike

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