Monday, July 02, 2012

Utah trip- Richfield

Every summer we take a road trip to Utah. We get to visit friends and family and Haley had a camp that she LOVES.

The drive this year was execptionally beautiful! I took about 40 photos just of the drive. This was a cattle drive out in the middle of nowhere. So fun to watch.

We went to Richfield to visit Grandpa Rogers house (he passed away two weeks before we got there) and and Eric's mom & John, his brothers and their families.

When I think of Grandpa's house I think of Hollyhocks. He has the most beautiful hollyhocks growing all over his yard!

All the cousins got along great

It was great to spend time with Grandma Hawley & Grandpa John

Keets and grandpa both had crazy hair from the wind and Ruby's fingers :)

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