Monday, September 07, 2009

Twas the night before the 1st day of school...

...and Lucy should have been sleeping, but she put her nervous energy into pulling out her loose tooth. Lucy has ben faking having loose teeth for years and she has asked me countless times when one of her teeth would come out. She was SOOOOO HAPPY it came out. I think in her mind this graduates her to the status of a big girl like her sisters! 


Suzanne said...

Awesome pictures. Fantastic accomplishment.

Greg said...

This post reminds me of Lucy's cousin and my oldest boy, Scott. He had one tooth fall out and the tooth fairy came. He has a couple more loose teeth so the next day he went to the garage, got a large pair of pliers and pulled two more teeth. It was only a matter of time before they fell out so he gave them some encouragement. He wanted to cash in.

KC said...

Yay Lucy!! How exciting!

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