Lake Tolloch
This is what I found outside at 6:30 in the morning... two of my girls out on the dock sporting life jackets over their nightgowns, fishing with their cousing Ryan. Ok, so they were actually baiting the fish with bread then catching them with a net and putting them in a bucket with water.
We spent most of the time out on the lake. While on the lake we saw several bald eagle nests, some with babies in them. At one point when David was skying one of the babies (the size of a really large hawk) flew out of the nest, down tword the ground then out over us on the lake. So cool!
There were other boats on the lake with teenagers and they were blasting nasty rap songs. We had seven kids and were rocking out to High School Musical. No we did not get beat up (if you were wondering).
Ruby tried skiing, but her loving parents forgot to tell her to let go of the rope when you fall, so she was dragged through about 6 feet of water. She did not want to have anything to do with it after that.
Haley tried skiing and got up the 1st time. I think the longest she stayed up was about 15 feet, not too bad for her first time waterskiing. I tried out wakeboarding. I was kinda surprised how much easier it is then water skiing. The kids wanted me to do a 360. I tried...seriously I did and I have a 12in bruse on my right thigh as a result.
This was a hot guy I met at the lake. I ended up bringing him home with me. My Sister and I stealing the tube away from the kids for a ride.
We did get off the lake a little. The Dads golfed at Saddle Creek and then we all ate lunch there. They had sweet potato fries- my favorite! The food was really good, but the best part of lunch was when they brought out a brownie with ice cream for Jacob's Birthday. He did not want to take the mint (one of several he stashed in his pockets as we walked in the door) out of his mouth to eat the dessert. Ruby quickly siezed the opportunity, slid his plate over and inhaled the entire dessert in a matter of minutes. Jake could not have cared less. He just sat there happy to suck on his mint.
After Lunch we took the kids to the driving range. I think more grass was hit then balls, but they had a great time.
The adventures of Ali & Lulu really could be a sepparate blog, but here is just a taste of what they were up to this weekend. My Sister found them "spying" on someone that they believed was "peeing in the lake!". I'm sure this is something they are completely innocent of.
The first morning at my Sister's house Eric found them sitting at the kitchen table eating Cheetos for breakfast. This photo is a few days later of them dusting off a bag of "burritos" (some would call them Doritos) just before dinner. Seriously, where are their parents?

Your trip to the lake so like so much fun! I love the adventures of Lucy and her cousin! SO cute! Where are their parents??? :)
That's what's great about playing with cousins and eating doritos for breakfast. Love it.
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