Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Poop...all over my house!

Ruby has been boycotting sleep. She stays up late in her bed singing and doing whatever it takes to ensure her body never stops moving and her eyes never shut. After several days of missing out on 4+ hours of sleep, she has turned psychotic. She cried and kicked and thrashed the living room for about 2 hours because the DVD player would not pause her movie. Fyi- It often is not able to pause her movie because the batteries are always placed backwards in the remote control. When she gets into this tantrum mode, there is nothing I can do to get her out of it. I just talk calmly and continue to say things like "Once you are back in control I would be happy to help you". Yesterday Eric and I had it with her psychotic sleep deprived behavior, so Eric gave her some Benadryl at dinner (supposedly for a small cut on her lip). She still did not fall asleep for 2 1/2 hours after she was tucked into bed.

So where does the poop come in? Before it was bedtime I noticed a couple of post it notes that said POOP stuck in the kitchen. I knew Ruby was mad and trying to get a reaction, so I ignored them. Then I went up stairs...they were EVERYWHERE. All down the hall, all over Ruby's room, in my bedroom and bathroom, seriously everywhere and Ruby was in her room crying because she did not want to brush her teeth.

I asked Ruby why she put POOP post it notes all over the house and surprise, she said it was not her. I thought to myself "Ya right it was not you" and continued to risk my life trying to brush her teeth. She told me again that she did not write the post it notes and that It was Haley. Haley, that had been sitting in her room quietly reading all afternoon. After a while of her Father questioning her, Haley admitted that she did put the POOP notes all over the house.


My 9 year old!

You have got to be kidding. I'm still not sure if she did it knowing that it would get Ruby in trouble or if she just thought it was funny. Either way I need to figure out how to get Ruby to sleep and why Haley felt the need to put POOP all over our house.

So here it is 10:00pm as I sit here typing listing to Ruby sing her heart out trying to stay awake.

I can only imagine what tomorrow has to offer.

My personal favorite was the poop on the "Love at home" needlework my Mom Made.


jenny said...

I am laughing hysterically right now. That is an interesting word to place on a post it note. I am just glad after reading the post it wasn't really max pooping all around the house. Yikes!

We currently have two tantrum throwers right now--wanna add two more to your mix :)

Suzanne said...

I am so glad this poop is so easy to clean up. I sighed relief when I saw it was just post it notes. Whew!

Tasha said...

I am laughing out loud Chanel. Did you ever go through the Hymn book and add "on the toilet" to the end of all the names? The needle work reminded me of that "Poop at home"?

Good luck today!

Elisa said...

I am laughing too! I just read this post out loud to my sister.

I don't think you know me I click over once and awhile from Kriti's page. So...Hi thanks for the laugh.

Liz said...

Oh my goodness! This is so horrible and funny at the same time!

I cannot imagine how exhausting it must be to have RUby trying so hard not to sleep!! I can definitely relate to the tantrums because Hailey does the same thing. Drives me crazy!!

About the post it notes, we've got some of those too. Although it has never said "poop"...just things like "I hate you dad or mom!". This from Lindsey whenever she thinks we are being the meanest parents in the world!

Good luck! Oh, and by the way, I am glad it wasn't real poop all over the house!!!

Jill said...

What in the world?? I can't believe Ruby can stay awake for so long or that she has turned psychotic on you (that's frightening). Is she afraid to go to sleep for some reason?

The poop notes are hilarious and bizarre, is Haley crying out for attention or do you think she's just trying to be funny? Life is definitely not dull at your house.

Natasha said...

How funny! (I know it's not funny to you right now!)

My Luci is the post it queen around here, especially when she is angry with me. She leaves notes that tell me I am a "horrible evil woman" by my bed on evenings I have had to punish her. But Poop is a note I have never seen in my house.

Maybe Ruby is a genius. Gifted kids don't sleep as much as others.

rebecca said...

Oh man. I never know what to expect when I pop over to check up on you, which I do regularly. And today takes the cake. Oh, the sleep issues - I thought I read in the parenting bible that the sleep problems would end at 1 year old or so.
And the post-it attack - I agree. WHAT DOES IT MEAN??? I *really* want to know what she was thinking.

Is it ok that we are all laughing out here in blog-land? WITH you, just a we-are-all-in-this-together moment of love-at-home parenting. Love it.

KC said...

I am laughing out loud right now. But now I feel like I'm going to cry. I MISS hearing these stories from your mouth. This is a great story though. Sorry you are having a hard time with Ruby. The cruise sounds fun!

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