Sunday, April 27, 2008

Bouganvila, Bouganvila!!!!

Right now the bouganvilla is in fullbloom in our area and oh so beautiful.  

I remember as a kid my Dad pointing out different flowers to me, teaching me their names and a little about each flower. The 1st one that I remember learning about was a snap dragon and I thought it was so cool. By the time I was six one of my favorite things was to walk around our garden pollinating the iris.

So a while ago I started teaching my kids about different flowers, starting of course with snap dragons. No flower has gotten them as excited as bouganvilla. 

Today on the way to and from church Eric was able to experience the joys as all three girls at the top of their lungs yelling BOUGANVILLA every 3-4 houses.


Tasha said...

I remember learning about snapdragons as one of my first flowers too. those bouganvilla's are amazing. Springtime is the greatest!

Suzanne said...

I miss the bougainvillea! We have other spectacular Spring sights and I suppose that is what makes living in different regions special. Thanks for posting such vibrant pictures of them.

Jackie said...

I hate those plants. Yes they are beautiful when they flower, but remember the one if the front of our old house that the gardeners never trimmed? It only had beautiful flowers for a short while and it grows like crazy. You could hardly get to the front door most the time. And not to mention the thorns. When we had that weird snow last winter I was so excited that it killed the plant, but no that spring it grew huge again. Man, did you know I was so passionate about plants?

Shonda said...

I agree with the girls- BooGunVeeYa is very fun to say!

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