Monday, August 17, 2009

Frogs 101

1. Don't ever set your frog down while playing Legos and forget about it, it may take hours, prayers and even tears to find it. 

2. Frogs eat crickets. When purchasing crickets it is imperative that you choose the pin head cricket (small crickets). If for any reason you come home with the large crickets, be prepared to have everyone in your house forgo sleep for the night.

3. Frogs do not urinate often, but when they do it is a steady stream capable of traveling far distances.  Be prepared at all times and hold them accordingly to avoid any undesirable situations.

4. When holding a frog asking to have your photo taken, be prepared for anything.

5. Frogs are cold. Beware that children may use cold frogs on your bare back as weapons of distraction early in the morning. 

6. It is very hard to determine the sex of a frog visually, but only male frogs croak... female frogs do not. If your frog croaks it's a boy... even if it's name is princess.


Greg said...

When will you publish Snakes 101? I cannot wait.

Chanel Palmer said...

We will never do snakes here.... although I never thought I would have a house full of frogs with 3 little girls.

KC said...

I bet you wish you would have taken frogs 101 before purchasing! It is cute though. My brother had every reptile imaginable when we were growing up. So I totally get the cricket thing - we had so many loose crickets around the house that we bought a couple house geckos and set them loose in the house to eat up the crickets. There's an idea for you!

Suzanne said...

Hmm, I had no idea. If you have a hamster 101 post, I'd like to see it. Somehow, somewhere, my 6 year old got the idea in his head that when he is 8, he is getting a hamster. I really need to start coming up with my rebuttal.

Chanel Palmer said...

KC-A house gecko?? I think at our house that would be a chew toy for Max and Opal.

Suzanne- No rebuttal necessary. Just say yes. Be glad he is not asking for something larger and more work. Kids need pets (not necessarily a jungle like us) but it's so good for them. And look on the bright side... hamsters will never pee in their mouth!

Tasha said...

Im still writing from the frog pee in the mouth thing. You are a good, good, mother Chanel! My kids will have pictures of frogs! (famous last words, huh!)

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