Saturday, April 10, 2010

The weekend

Cheyenne has been asking to dye or bleach her hair for a while, but I couldn't agree to blonde streaks or black hair.  Walking through the health food store (rare for me) I noticed a thing of burgundy Henna dye and got it for her. It looks great and she loves it. I'm glad we were able to come to a happy medium. This photo does not do it justice, it looks really cool.

Grandma Bonnie flew in for the weekend so we decided to go to the Pear blossom festival and parade.

My favorite part of the parade was an old folks home van full of old folks waving out the window. You've gotta love that!

Of course with Grandma Bonnie in town we had to go shopping, so we went to Jacksonville.

I have a great, very funny photo of my mom with the girls on Jacksonville, but she told me she would disown me if I posted it. So here is a respectable one.

While my mom was here she helped me pick paint colors for the new house and figure out what furniture will fit where. We had a great time with her, I just hope her ears recover from the noise levels at our house.


Tasha said...

I think the burgundy was a good compromise indeed. You are one of the best mothers I know!

Suzanne said...

I expect to have some conversations about hair in my house, dealing with cut not color. :-)

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