Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Allergy conversation with Doc

For the next 8 weeks I will go into the allergist every week to be skin tested for tons of things. 

I had an appointment today... here is the conversation I had with the Dr. as he was poking needles into my arms.  Fyi- the red words are my thoughts.

Me-"So Doc I have been religiously following your strict diet and my sinuses have not changed at all.  Can I stop restricting so many foods?"

Dr.- "I can tell you are following it because you look so good" 
(you are lying, between Lucy and the puppy I did not sleep from 4 am on and I feel like dirt)

"You will feel so good that you will never want to stop eating this way"
 (That will never happen)

Me- "But I really have not noticed any changes"

Dr.- "Oh, you have got to give it at least six months before you start to notice a change to your sinuses. (s i x   m o n t h s?) You have got to let the tissue swelling go down, you have some serious damage done to your sinuses because of all the infections, you need to give it time" (you have GOT to be kidding. I will weigh 80 lbs in six months and be suicidal. Sinus surgery is sounding good to me now)

"Actually this is how you should eat for the rest of your life" (Ok- I'm out. I am so freaking done with this diet, you can stop talking now) "Our bodies were not made to eat so much sugar and wheat, you really will never want to eat those things again you will feel so much better..blah blah blah blah" (I can't wait to get home and eat lunch) blah blah blah blah blah blah (I would rather take 5 pills every day for the rest of my life then eat like this)

Eric (yes he was there)- So Dr. Let me get this straight, this was not a temporary diet, this needs to be permanent" (Oh stop rubbing it in Eric, this is not funny, it's over!) 

So after the appointment I went home and ate 3 handfuls of wheat thins..... 
now I feel much better!


Amanda said...

I don't even know what to type! He really wanted you to eat like that forever? Maybe you need a second opinion. I mean, eating healthy is important, but this sounds extreme. No?

Jordan said...

The "no dairy" thing would be a huge hang up for me. Sometimes I go to Costco and all I have in my cart are dairy products--family sized dairy products, at that! Good luck.

jenny said...

Umm I think you may consider calling Dr. Cutler and taking a road trip to DC. I am voting for the sinus surgery. Your diet is MUCH too painful. So sorry friend! I am glad you ate some wheat thins--did you stop sniffling after that? :P

Liz said...

Oh man that really stinks!

So, I am curious, are you seeing an Ear Nose Throat dr too or just an allergist? Because Ben has allergies, etc as well, and he has had two sinus surgeries to remove pollups. Do you know if that is what you have? The surgery is not fun at all, but I guess feeling better in about week is better than not being able to eat the foods you like for the rest of your life!

Chanel Palmer said...

Jenny- I could not tell a difference with my sinus stuff before or after the diet. I was just happier after the diet so I felt better.

I'm sure this is more information then you wanted but-
I have seen a ENT(a few times) and he said that I could benefit from having my nasal passage way opened up, but he suggested to see an allergist first so see what is causing all the congestion. I do not have any polyps.

I talked to someone today that has gone to the same Dr. and she said that he takes your blood at the beginning as a base line then takes it again 4 weeks after you have followed the diet so they can compare the two blood samples to determine what I am allergic to. So I sit here now (after eating pizza for dinner) trying to decide if I can continue the stupid, stupid diet for 3 more weeks or if I have already blown it.

Did Ben ever see an allergist and have to starve himself?

patsy said...

I had an allergist tell me to go on an elimination diet once. He said I would slowly add foods back in to see what bothered me... After hearing what I would have to do/eat/not eat I decided I would rather be taking the med's & miserable a few weeks out of the year. (sometimes more) I can't believe you sticked with it so long- YOU'VE GOT WILL POWER GIRL
(Maybe I should've done it I really could use the weight loss)

Shawna B. said...

Chanel, you are too good a person to have to eat like this. It seems almost criminal. I'm all for the fresh fruits and veggies, but don't be taking my butter away! I'm so sorry and hope that you get things figured out so that you can go on to enjoy eating once again! Does this mean no "Rats in Butter" for Thanksgiving ever again?! No, that just can't be.

everything pink! said...

would you like to tell me why you are friends with a sinus surgeon and you have not called him???
i called jeff and read this to him and this may actually prompt him to leave a comment on a blog

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