Friday, September 05, 2008

Growing pumpkins

In my last post I blogged about a pumpkin pot in Las Vegas that I REALLY wanted but did not buy.  My friend Melissa went to Las Vegas last weekend(for a nephew's baptism) and she called from the Williams Sanoma outlet to tell me the pumpkin pots were on sale.  She asked if I wanted one and without hesitation I said yes! Then I asked her to get me two so I could give one to my Sister for Christmas.  I know that she loved Halloween as much as I do so I figured she would love the pumpkin pot as much as I do.

Yesterday I was talking to my Sister (Tiffany) and told her how excited I was that Melissa brought me back a pumpkin.  Tiffany said "Oh shoot, I called the outlet and had them ship one to me and I was going to give it to you for Christmas"  then she continued and said "I guess I will just keep this one for myself".  Then I told her that I actually bought 2 and was going to give her one for Christmas!  We now have three of the coveted pumpkin pots, so one is headed to Ebay.


Shonda said...

Hey Chanel,
I'll buy it from you!

Chanel Palmer said...

Eric's Mom(and your Mother in Law) emailed me right away saying that she wanted it. So the 3rd pumpkin has found a good home.

Sorry Shonda.

Suzanne said...

You and Tiffany are good sisters!

Liz said...

That is so funny! I always hate it when I come up with a good idea for a gift for Ben, and then he always figures it out!

Natalie said...

Way cute pumpkin! I dare say Fall/Halloween are my favorite decorations of the year. I love the colors!

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