Monday, September 15, 2008

Saved by Melissa

We were out of town Thursday- Saturday, so I asked my friend Melissa to come by and check on the dogs.  When she did she found our house full of smoke!

At 1:00pm on Thursday I started the dishwasher as we were walking out the door. When she came by Friday morning to feed the dogs, it was still running but the water had never turned on. It was so hot that the countertop above the dishwasher was hot to the touch. It melted everything plastic, two cutting boards, some plastic cups and spatulas were destroyed.

Our house still totally smells like burned plastic, but I am so thankful we still have a house!

1 comment:

Shonda said...

How scary!!! That could have been really tragic! Set lots of bowls of vinegar, baking soda or coffee grounds around to absorb odor. Or buy a case of Febreeze!

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