Friday, December 24, 2010


For as long as I can remember (and possibly before I was born) my parents have thrown a party on Christmas Eve.  They have always served a potato bacon soup (that I have no idea how to spell the name) and had a table covered in desserts. It is a Christmas tradition that I always loved. 

(photos from my one of the parties at my parents house)

Eric and I have tried to do it a few years but we have always lived in places not conducive to throwing large parties. Last year was really our first attempt and it seemed to go well, so this year we did it again and invited everyone (or at least tried to) that did not have family in town or other plans.

The 1st photo is missing a few cakes, but still I think we did a decent job of filling the table with treats.

I am so bummed I did not get a photo of my Mom with her HUGE soup pot. It really is large enough to bathe a 6 year old in. The soup was absolutely delicious (no, I'm not biased).

After the party the girls each got to open one present we choose and then one they choose. There was no shock that the one from us was matching cozy jammy bottoms, but they were all excited about them.

1 comment:

Suzanne said...

Those desserts look fabulous!

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