Saturday, December 04, 2010

Finding our tree

You may remember last year Eric and I trying to be cool Oregonians, bought a $5 pass to go up in the forrest and cut down our own gynormous tree. We decided this year we would go to a tree farm in Jacksonville where you choose your tree and they cut it for you. Sounds like a fun saturday morning right?

Ruby and Lucy had a great time. Eric and I argued/discussed which tree is better the open charlie brown style tree or the bushy kind. We decided to rotate years so Eric picked out a bushy tree he liked. 

Haley and Cheyenne were typical teenagers. Complaining that we pulled them out of bed, that it was too cold and worried they might see someone they know. We just ignored them.

They helped Eric load it in the trailer. Unlike last year, it fits in our house!

It was Ruby's year to put the star on and she did a great job!

1 comment:

Suzanne said...

Of course you have a trailer...

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