Thursday, December 30, 2010

say WHAT?

Haley "Why did you marry dad?"
Me "Because he's is so stinkin cute!"
Haley continues to push me for the real reason, and I keep telling her more reasons. A few minutes later Eric walks in the room acting crazy and singing really loud.  Haley in her very dry sense of humor said...
"And this is the point where she realizes... looks aren't everything"

Cheyenne "We would have had one more egg, but the chicken dropped it from the nesting bar so it cracked open"
Eric"Did you clean it up"
Cheyenne"NO, it was totally nasty"
Eric"Chickens don't have cooties ya know"
Cheyenne"Cooties are so elementary... it's called STD's now"
Eric "Chicken's don't have STD's either"

Lucy "It was so hot my bum was like crying"
Me "Why was your bum crying"
Lucy "My bum wasn't really crying! It just felt like it because it was sweat'n so much"

This morning it was Ruby's turn to say the family prayer before the girls left for school. She said: "Dear Heavenly Father, please bless we will have a good day at school and PLEASE bless that mom gets pregnant, please. Please bless that we have fun day today and that Mom has a baby soon. In the name of Jesus Christ, amen."
I really hope she has a good day today so half of her prayer can be answered.

For Haley's school assignment we both had to make a list of things we would like to improve on. One of the things I listed was that I wished I was a better cook. Haley read what I wrote and said:
"Mom you don't need to get better at that... you are a really good cook!"
ME "Then how come whenever I cook dinner, none of you want to eat it?"
Haley "That's because you cook healthy stuff. We are kids, we just want to eat junk."

Lucy "Dad why are you polishing your shoes?"
Eric "To make them look nice and new."
Ruby "Oh, girls just buy new shoes."

Ruby "Mom why is there a diaper on the kitchen counter?"
Me "Ms. Chari sent that home so you girls could see how tiny her little baby it"
Ruby" No way, he is really this small?"
Lucy carefully picks the diaper up with two finders and shakes it so she can see inside. Very relieved Lucys said "Oh good... it's not dirty"

While walking into Sportsman's warehouse to get Haley more arrows for her archery set.
Lucy "Are all these things REALLY dead?"
Me "Yes"
Ruby "Why do people do that?"
Haley "For sport"
Lucy "Oh, if I ever killed anything... anything... like a spider or squirrel, I would be so upset I would kill myself."
Me "Actually we kill stuff all the time without even knowing it, like bugs on the ground as you we are walking."
Lucy very somber  "Ohhhh, yaaa. I guess so"


Jill said...

I think your family should have it's own reality show because you're all so funny. I would definitely watch!

Suzanne said...

Oh Haley. That girl just tickles my funny bone.

Tasha said...

Your kids (and you) are going to TREASURE your "Say What" segments!
I wish I could watch you parent now, that I have kids, I remember being so impressed by you when you had little ones.

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