Monday, January 14, 2008

Machine quilting tricks

I have been busy quilting and decided that I should share my 3 favorite tricks for machine quilting for any quilters that have not tried these.

  1. Rubber door stops from Home Depot
  2. Gloves with rubber fingers (avail at most quilting stores)
  3. A pillow 

The rubber tipped gloves help you grip the fabric better. The doorstops you wedge both under the front of your sewing machine to tip the machine slightly back. A pillow on your chair to have you sit higher then you normally would. Being higher and having your machine tilted takes a lot of stress off your wrists and shoulders as you quilt.  

I read these tips in a quilting magazine a while ago. They actually listed having a glass of wine as an additional aid to help you relax your shoulders... haven't tried that one myself.


Suzanne said...

I feel as though you posted this just for me! Thank you.

Jill said...

I'm not a quilter, but I appreciate the tips and the skill involved to even know that these things would be helpful.

Liz said...

Great tips! I'll have to remember these the next time I decide to take up quilting again!

Amanda said...

Love these tips. When I get in a sewing mood again (hopefully soon) I will add these to my repertoire of crafty items.

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