Sunday, January 03, 2010

The greatest bad trip ever

My neighbor Lisa always knows about great places to stay and fun local trips. She found some little cabins at Hyatt Lake in Ashland and asked if we wanted to go up with them for a couple of days. We ended up going with Lisa's family and one other family. It was great because we each had out own little cabin and the 3 cabins were next to each other. The kids (all 12 of them) all got along well and we were loving it.

The "cabin" was soooo much nicer then I expected. It had a fridge with ice and water in the door so I was in heaven!

They allowed pets so Max and Opal learned how to walk on snow.

Each cabin had it's own jacuzzi outside the door. The kids were running back and forth to each others jacuzzis.

I was positive someone was going to get sick, they spent more time out of the Jacuzzi playing then they did in. The kids were having the time of their lives so I just let it go.

When we woke up we headed to a great sledding hill 3 miles from the cabins. We had to bust out the chains to get our 2 wheel drive mini van up the road.

For about 15 min, everyone was having a great time sledding....

Then the world stopped.

We watched our friends little girl Sierra crash and hit her head so hard she was unconscious and having a seizure. I was in complete shock and thought I had just watched a really strong, smart 10 year old girls life change forever.

All three Dads took her to the car on a sled and gave her a priesthood blessing (A blessing given by a Melchizedek Priesthood holder, by the laying on of hands and by inspiration, to one who is sick or otherwise in need of special counsel, comfort, or healing. If the blessing is for the sick, consecrated oil is used (James 5:14-15)

Then the Mom and Dad flew via car down the hill to get her to the hospital. She regained consciousness but had blurry vision, numb hands and was in tons of pain. She has since fully recovered from this accident completely, but has no memory of the accident at all. I know that her complete recovery was in large part do to the blessing she received.

When we got home Ruby and Lucy made cards for Sierra. I loved the honesty of Lucy's card "We are sad".
We were all sooo sad but we are thrilled to have our bearded dragon on her shoulder Sierra back!

1 comment:

Suzanne said...

I was holding my breath. I'm glad Sierra is doing well. Amen.

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