Wednesday, January 10, 2007

A great idea!

I want to share this great idea for those of you that have an embroidery machine.

Ruby's new Primary teacher called everyone the week before church to find out what their favorite color was. Then on Sunday she handed out personalized scarves to each child in her class (the teacher wore one too). These were a huge hit and all the kids were so proud to be in their new class.

The scarves were just fleece that she had cut. So they were inexpensive, and quick to make, but they had a huge impact on the class.


Tasha said...

That is a darling idea! It reminds me of Harry Potter, how all the different houses have their stripes.

Jill said...

That is such a cute idea. I emailed the link for this post to my mom (she has an embroidery machine) and think it would be great for her to give to her primary class or grandkids. I love this idea.

jenny said...

Umm I may be getting my kids backpacks early so I can send you them before April.. Those are really cute.

Liz said...

Super cute idea! Too bad I don't have an embroidery machine. But I think fabric puff paint might work too, although it wouldn't be as cute!

everything pink! said...

oh my!!!! i love when i see good ideas that keep me from sleeping.

if you need any Embroidery help let me know. i know some great sites where you could get some free designs in your format.
i really love this idea!

Anonymous said...

Fabulous idea! Thanks for sharing. I am more and more convinced that I need an embroidery machine. Now I just need the cash to get one!

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