Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Beyond gross?

I knew before we had children that they would occasionaly do things that were gross, but I also knew that no matter what they did I would still love them. Since having children we have experienced many things that I would deem undesirable even embarrassing. We have had children eat gum from under the table in a public place...more then once. We have had a child that continually left surprises for me when laundering her panties. I have had one of my sweet little girls pick up a slug the size of a Dodger dog(it's folded in half in the photo) on a hike where we were unable to wash her hands. There are many more examples I could give, but you get the point.

All these were pretty gross, however I was able to get over them. Last night something happened so gross, so disgusting I literally could not speak. I will NEVER get over it.

****Warning- If you are pregnant or have issues with a strong gag reflex, this is your chance to turn away and not expose yourself to what I am about to write.*****

Last night while tucking one of my sweet, beautiful little Daughter’s (I will not say who, on the grounds that it may endanger her life) into bed, she informed me that.........she likes to fry her buggers on the light bulb over her bed, and eat them!!!!!!!!!!

I thought she was kidding, but no she was totally serious. Holy cow! This is not normal. This is seriously the sickest thing I have ever heard. I need counseling.

I was literally speechless so Eric gave her a huge talk about buggers and why you should not eat them. He also reminded her that cooking is not allowed in her room and if she does it again he will remove the “stove”.

The amazing thing is I do still love her...I just may never touch her or her room again.


Allison said...

That is hilarious! I am totally laughing out loud. Thank you for making my day. I really needed a good laugh, especially this week.

I hope you don't have to remove the "stove".

Thanks again for the smile!

Tasha said...

Evie pooped on the kitchen floor yesterday, you are right, its one helping of gross after another with kids! I love the "you aren't allowed to cook in here!" take on the situation.

My sister didn't bother to fry anything, just wipe them on the wall...

Anonymous said...

I am reeling right now!!! Oh Chanel, this is one for the books! Disgusting, definitely, but so very amusing. Glad the frying is happening (or WAS happening) at your place and not mine! Although if my lads got a hold of this info, I shudder to think what they might do with it!

jenny said...

Now frying, that's pretty cleaver. I am totally laughing too. Definitely blog worthy--great story.

Anonymous said...

Your girls have it right. The rest of our kids just eat them raw. The Palmers are alwayss one step ahead.

Jill said...

I'm totally sickened by your daughter's cuisine choice, but have to say I'm impressed with her innovative technique.

My kids tend to favor boogers raw, which sicks me out and makes me want to wretch, but I don't think they've ever thought to fry them.

Why in the world do kids think they should eat something that came out of their body? It's beyond me.

Liz said...

I'm seriously feeling queasy right now, Chanel! But it is such a funny story too. I can so relate to the not wanting to ever touch them again, after knowing what their hands have been up to. I hope it doesn't get any worse than this. :)

melanie said...

I am laughing so hard! To me that girl has imagination! I love that you wrote it down here although this might be one of those stories that you wont forget! 'No cooking in here' is a classic!

Jordan said...

I sorely needed that laugh, thanks!

Anonymous said...

That is the greatest story I have read in quite some time. An average booger story but frying them on the light bulb boosted it to a new level. I love it!

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