Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Ding... ding.... ding

For the past several years I have taken the girls to the Dollar Tree to do their Christmas shopping.  They can get whatever they want for each of their Sisters and  Mom and Dad.  They really do choose whatever they want, I stay totally out of the decision making process.  They each carried around a large gift bag to collect their gifts so no one could see them.  

When it was time to check out I told the checker what we were doing and asked her to ring up the stuff in each bag and then put it back in the same bag. I turned my back while she was ringing up the stuff and the girls walked to the toy area so nobody could see what was purchased.  With 3 girls buying 5 gifts plus the one big gift bag there should have been about 18 items.  As the checker was ringing up the stuff it just kept going and going, ding...ding...ding...ding. I finally turned around and asked the checker if this was all their stuff?  She laughed and said "yes".  It just kept going ding, ding, ding.  Eventually she gave me the total which was double what it should have been.  I paid it, got the girls and went to the car.

In the car I told the girls how much the bill was and asked what happened.  Ruby quickly said "Well I got everyone two things and I needed bags to wrap the gifts too".  Then Lucy said "I got a couple of people two things and I got a glass present to wrap Dad's present".  I realized that I was not as specific as I had been in the past. I said whatever you want, but should have clarified one present per person. Lesson learned.

I really was good at not looking, but at one point I did see a black quinceanera statue in one of the bags... so I know we came home with some real treasures.

When we got home all the girls went to separate rooms and wrapped the gifts all by themselves. Lucy even wrote all her own gift tags.  

They were in heaven the whole time, taking their time to pick the perfect gift and wrap it just right, but when it was all over (about 3 hours later) I was totally exhausted.

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