Good mail, Quilting & The Police station
The girls and I sent a box of full of goodies to Eric in DC. The mail man left a note saying that he tried to deliver the package(on Sat) but no one was home. We thought the package was left on the porch and stolen. Huge Bummer.
Today Eric walked to the Post office to see if they really did leave it in the porch. The Postal guy said "They may leave packages on doorsteps in Mayberry, but this aint Mayberry it's DC, you need to come pick it up. I was so happy that he got the package and all the letters and pictures from his girls.
Also...someone that lives in DC was kind enough to pick my Husband up for church, invite him to Sunday dinner at her house and send him home with 4 big bags full of all his favorite foods. What a blessing to have friends like this.
Back here on the ranch I received a care package full of goodies from Jenny. I really need to get better at taking photos before the food is all devoured. Thank you Jenny!
We took the bag of candy to my friend Jackie's house that night for the kids to snack on while I selfishly kept them awake late while I was using her huge, wonderful quilting table. I had never used one of these before- what rush! I quilted my whole Halloween quilt that night. Jackie is the only person I know that can actually crank out a beautiful quilt and have it completely done in 2 days. Granted she has machines that cost more then my car, but it's mostly because she is super talented and fast.Can you even imagine owning one of these?
Also, Today I had to go down to the Police station to pick up a copy of the officers report from Eric's car accident. I hope I never have to do that again. When I said "I'm here to pick up a copy of my husband's police report" Everyone in the room looked at me and I could just hear them thinking " Sounds like you picked a winner".
oh my that quilt on her frame is awesome!
fun to have a friend with fun machines.
we are all pulling for you these next few weeks girl!!
I'm so glad you posted a picture of your quilt in the machine, now where is the cool stitching you told me about? I'll call you in a few. Hope everything is going okay--love ya!
That Mayberry, D.C. comment is pretty funny/sad, but I'm happy that Eric got his package. I'm also happy you got something fun from Jenny and that you got to spend an evening quilting on such an amazing set-up. It goes beyond anything I can even imagine working on.
I can see you getting his police report, then looking at the people looking at you and saying "I totally forgive him, its MY fault he hits me!" or something to get them going even more.
That quilt is going to be awesome and that quilting machine! Dream!
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