Today is Eric's Birthday so I thought I would write some of the reasons why I think he is the greatest!
Eric is hilarious. But sometimes I am the only one that thinks so. His humor is so dry and usually a little inappropriate- I love it!
Eric is the best gift giver. He puts a lot of time, research and thought into the gifts he gives and gives them in the most creative way.
He is an incredible Dad. He works long hours, especially this year as Chief (he is working all day today-on his Birthday!) and has a time consuming calling so he makes sure that when he is home the girls (me included) know how much he loves us. Eric takes one of our girls on a special date with him every Thursday night. They love this time with him and look forward to their date each month. Even when he has been super busy and really doesn’t have time to go- he always does. He schedules a vacation day so he can go on the girl's school field trips. He never comes home grumpy or acting tired, he walks in the door acting like he missed us and couldn’t wait to see us again. Last night the girls and I made Eric a cake for his birthday. He says that he loves wedding cake (translation white cake and white frosting) but we thought it would be funny to make a real wedding cake.

I really admire his self discipline, ability to focus, set goals and complete them. He never quits or gives up. Such a good example for me.
I love the fact that he wears bow ties, and only wears a strait tie to church for Halloween. He loves bow ties and thinks he needs more…I won't tell you how many he has.
He not only tolerates the creative chaos I create in our home, but often helps me when I am in over my head. In several ways he is more creative then I. He has taught me to pay more attention to details and do things the right way.
He is so supportive and appreciates me and anything I do.
I know that he is one of the greatest blessings of my life.
such a wonderful tribute, chanel, it made me want to be a better spouse. Thanks for sharing. Happy birthday, Eric!
Happy Birthday to the big Eric bow tie man. I must say I am impressed he takes the girls out every Thursday. I will admit at first I wasn't sure if Eric hated or like me with his dry humor. I am with you he is pretty funny. You also failed to right he never stinks after working out. I never could figure that one out when he was down rowing. Weird. Still to this day my favorite quotes from Eric are:
"I don't know about you, but I am heading up to bed." (turning the lights off while we are still sewing)
"Jenny would you like some ovaltine with spray butter toast and cinnamon?"
Hope he has a great day despite he is working. Funny that you made a wedding cake--thats Doug's favorite to.
like jordan reading this made me want to be the best spouse i can be.
eric is one of a kind and everything you said. he truly is amazing.
i will never forget the day we met him and you were unpacking and i just kept saying to him, "you made that boat", you really made that boat.."
happy birthday.
I'm inspired to be a better spouse too, after this wonderful tribute to Eric. Love the cake by the way!
Happy Birthday Eric! What a great guy . Chanel, really, that wedding cake cracks me up.
Eric Palmer is quite a guy! Happy birthday! I'll never forget the day he called to "thank" me after hearing Hailey pray for President Bush after 9/11. I guess I got a little preachy at Joy School! I'll also never forget how he showed up at our house right after Curtis was born and put a peep hole in our door. We didn't ask him to - he just knew I wanted one - and there he was. He also brought some great treats after my miscarriage. And when it comes to homemade picture frames, no one is better. It sounds cliche, but to know the Palmers is to love them. Again, Happy Birthday, Eric, from all the Borgs. May this be your best year yet!
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