Santa Barbara with the cousins
We drove to Santa Barbara to meet up with my Sister and her family. They drove down from Northern California to go to a baseball game for their oldest Son Ryan.
Ryan is a REALLY good player so he was recruited to play in this Pony game even-though he is still in Little League.
We drove out to see him play and to let the cousins get together. These guys all love each other. Our kids are pretty good alone but when they get together with their cousins, they team up and there is dark synergy that takes place.Team Jake & Ruby
Team Ali & Lucy
At one point I realized that I could not find Ali & Lucy anywhere. After looking all over the park I found them changing the scores on the score board. Luckily I found them (and took a picture) and fixed the score before they were screamed at by one of the coaches. Eric said he freaked when he saw them and could not believe that I started laughing and grabbed my camera. Now, if I had caught them wiping lipstick on a quilt... that would have been a different story.
During one of the games my Sister and I went to the Gem Show that was a couple of blocks away. We took Ali & Lucy with us to keep them out of trouble. They were in heaven with tons of tables covered with pearls, jewelry and gems. At one point I noticed them stuffing Ali's pocket with something. When I checked her pockets they had jewelry pendants from several tables back and a large rose quarts bead. I took them back to the table and made them give the jewelry back and say they were sorry. I couldn't figure out where the large rose quarts came from so I just left it on a table with some beads. That night when I pulled my jeans off that freaking large rose quarts bead came flying out of my pocket. I couldn't believe that they had stashed it in my pocket since I was checking theirs. I really hope that when they are older they are able to channel this sly creativity into something positive.
After the game we went downtown to State Street and walked in all the shops (with all 7 kids). Lulu and Ali could not decide if they wanted to hold hands or chicken fight, so they did both.
We got pastries at Anderson's(the best stuff ever!) and checked out the turtle fountain.
I have to admit that we took Othello with us. I know we have become obsessed. I played Tiff at the pool while the kids were swimming. The guys were supposed to be watching the kids, but they stood behind us obviously consumed with the competition and who was going to win. Again, not going to say who won until it's me.
I can't believe how big her kiddos are getting. Obviously I haven't seen photos of them in a while. I would have done the same thing with the score board picture...too funny.
Wow, you are getting pretty determined to win that game if you are now taking it on road trips with you. Wanna come out to San Antonio??
Oh, you went to Santa Barbara!!! I miss that place so much! Isn't that Turtle fountain the coolest? I just love downtown SB!! Glad you had fun, minus the gem stealing!! What did you do with the gem you found in you pocket?
I LOVE that they were changing the score! Too cute! Great pics Chanel!
chanel. beautiful photos. what a fun day and i love the of the holding hands on the shoulders.
The photo of the girls changing the numbers on the score board is hilarious! I'm so glad your first reaction was to take a picture. The thought of them doing that is going to have me giggling all day.
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